Optical Fingerprint Database for Estimating 3D Finger Angle

This database is collected for studying the problem of estimating 3D finger angles via fingerprint images. It consists of 54285 fingerprint images (55 ppi) and corresponding ground truth values of finger angle. Examples from the dataset are shown below.

Data distributions

This database is collected for studying the problem of estimating 3D finger angles via fingerprint images. It consists of 54285 fingerprint images (55 ppi) and corresponding ground truth values of finger angle. Examples from the dataset are shown below.


You are free to download the dataset for non-commercial research and educational purposes: 3DFingerPose


Research papers that used this database should cite the following paper.

He, Ke and Duan, Yongjie and Feng, Jianjiang and Zhou, Jie "Estimating 3D Finger Angle via Fingerprint Image", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies


Contact Dr. Jianjiang Feng for further information.